Making Waves: Aquarius Season

Get ready to take advantage of this uniquely unruly, yet prodigious energy to shake things up!



Oh, hey there, Aquarius Season, how you doin?

Look at you, coming into our lives with your big changes and your endless possibilities…like a breath of fresh, crisp winter air.

Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is innovative, progressive, positive, and original. So, when Aquarius season begins, it’s not at all unusual to feel free, limitless, and empowered; like you’re ready to shake things up. Obviously, Aquarius and Leo (Aquarius’s zodiac polarity sign) will be the two signs in the zodiac that feel this shift the strongest – but all the signs will benefit from this cosmically refreshing energy and the potential momentum that this season’s intentions can carry for the entire year.

So, whether you’re a water-bearer or not, if you’re ready to make some waves, let’s talk about this eclectic Aquarian energy we will all experience from January 20th- February 18th…

Priority number one for this season is to set some intentions, but not the ones that keep you safely inside your comfort zone. Aquarius season is perfect for lightly pushing some boundaries with some goals you’ve been toying with for a while – and ones that you’d like to keep up with all year long, for some long-lasting life changes. These intentions can be in any area of your life – from love and friendship, to career and hobbies, or even health – any and all plans you make now have just a little extra potential to keep their momentum.

The second-best priority to have during this season is to have an open mind. Genuinely consider new possibilities, new solutions to old problems, new advice, and new people. Thanks to this Aquarian energy, we are all feeling more confident, creative, and daring, but this can easily cross over to rigid and stubborn if we’re not careful. Staying mindful to this possibility will help prevent this shift and instead keep the true nature of the Aquarian – a rebellious visionary – flowing through you.

And last, but certainly not least, spend plenty of time with people who truly get you. The Aquarius season energy will be supercharged by the New Moon in Aquarius on January 21st, and again when Uranus turns direct on January 22nd, helping you to really embody the truest version of ourselves. Spend this amazing energy on the loved ones that understand and love the real you. Aquarius season is all about connecting with others, as long as you can stay true to yourself, your desires and goals – so connect to those that understand, accept, and love you just as you are.

Regardless of your sign, you’ll be drawn to think outside the box, embrace your independence, and be fully appreciated as your fabulous self. For a short time, the possibilities are endless – what will do you with them?